BATI Awards 2024: 10 reasons to pick Belga Solar ! 

1. Our commitment to society

Belga Solar has been a trusted player in the Belgian solar energy sector for over 15 years. It is the only Belgian manufacturer of standard photovoltaic panels. We operate in a sustainable field by default, but we want to go as far as possible in our commitments!

Our mission? To create a European supply chain for efficient photovoltaic solar panels. Contribute to Europe's energy transition, while helping to reindustrialize Belgium and create quality jobs.

Our vision? We believe in a less carbon-intensive future, with decentralized energy production in which solar power is a key solution.

2. Our sustainable development

Belga Solar is run by a duo of entrepreneurs, Sébastien Mahieu and Fred Conrads. They are committed to bringing the values of sustainable development to multiple aspects of their business management.

Belga Solar adapted its articles of association in 2023 to become a mission-driven company, which means that we take into account all the company's stakeholders in our management thinking, not just the company's profits. 

We don't just want to be the best company in the world, we want to be the best company for the world. That's the difference!

3. Local employment

Belga Solar is based in Baillonville, 7.5 km from Marche-en-Famenne. It employs 26 people and contributes to the prosperity of local families. We have gone from 16 to 26 employees in just two years.

Equipe Belga Solar
4. Our B-Corp certification

We are committed to the B Corp certification process. This is a demanding, internationally recognized label that challenges us in five key areas: governance, employees, society or community, environment and customers. We include our staff in these considerations; all colleagues are involved.

5. Carbon footprint and offsetting, 120,000 trees planted!
We measure our carbon emissions across the entire value chain using the Bilan Carbone® methodology. This covers everything from the sourcing of raw materials to the end-of-life of our panels. Every year, we strive to reduce our impact on the environment. This can be seen, for example, in the reduction of packaging or the electrification of our vehicle fleet.

For unavoidable emissions, we practice carbon offsetting by planting trees through the NGO Graine de Vie. For each installation carried out on private property, we fully offset the emissions generated by the panels installed.

This represents 4 trees planted for each panel installed on a private home. That's almost 120,000 trees planted since 2019, neutralizing 12,000 tonnes of CO2! We hope soon to involve all our customers, businesses and the public alike, in this approach. 

6. Inclusion: our collaboration with Atelier 85

For the production of our packaging, we collaborate with Atelier 85, an adapted work company based in Florennes. This partnership underlines our strong commitment to social inclusion and diversity.

We worked together to reduce our use of cardboard and changed our packaging in 2023, contributing to a drastic reduction in the volume of cardboard used. It's a great collaboration that's been going on for years!

7. Product durability
Product quality is an essential element of our commitment to sustainable development, as our guarantees are strong:

What's the point of selling panels that only last 10 or 15 years? Unfortunately, this practice is widespread on the market, especially for panels imported from Asia.

8. Recycling and waste reduction

The end-of-life of our products is guaranteed by the recyclability of 95% of our panels. We are affiliated to PV Cycle, to which we are a major contributor. PV Cycle Belgium is the only management body set up by the industry within the framework of the Environmental Protection Convention for photovoltaic solar panels, which, in the legal form of a non-profit association, aims to organize and fulfill obligations relating to the take-back of photovoltaic solar panels on behalf of all its members.

We conduct annual waste reduction programs and ensure very strict sorting.

9. International impact

In order to share its experience with as many people as possible, Belga Solar is also moving beyond its native Belgium! In early 2023, we set up Solarcells, a new company in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. This is a joint-venture with the Socom Group, Luxembourg's leading electrical engineering company. Its solar panel manufacturing plant, similar to our Baillonville plant, started up in January 2024.

With the help of the Belgian Development Cooperation, we also supplied a thousand solar panels to Chad in 2023. Finally, we are currently being consulted for other projects in African countries. Our impact knows no borders !

10. Our contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Belga Solar contributes directly to 7 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG 7 - Clean and affordable energy. 
By producing solar panels, Belga Solar contributes to the production of clean, renewable energy. This reduces dependence on fossil fuels, while promoting access to sustainable energy.
SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth  

The growth of the solar industry creates sustainable, high-quality jobs. Belga Solar contributes to economic growth while promoting ethical and sustainable labor practices.

SDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure  
The manufacture of photovoltaic panels involves innovative technologies and advanced production processes. This contributes to the development of sustainable industry and infrastructure, encouraging innovation.
SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production  
By encouraging the use of photovoltaics, Belga Solar promotes a more responsible approach to consumption and production. Solar panels contribute to sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint associated with energy production.
ODD 13 - Combating climate change 
Producing energy from renewable sources, such as solar power, helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. The solar panels manufactured by Belga Solar are fully in line with this.
MDG 15 - Life on Earth 
By reducing dependence on non-renewable energies, the production of solar panels contributes to the preservation of terrestrial ecosystems by limiting the negative environmental impact associated with the extraction of fossil resources.
ODD 17 - Partnerships to achieve the goals  
Belga Solar collaborates with other players in the sector, both in Belgium and internationally. We also work with governments and NGOs to nurture sustainable development efforts and partnerships that help achieve the MDGs.

Have a question about our commitments?

Contact our Managing Director Sébastien Mahieu via