Generate your own electricity and reduce your energy bill with our tailor-made photovoltaic solutions.
Photovoltaic maintenance throughout Wallonia for your home.
With more than 15 years of experience in the photovoltaic sector, we are proud to say that our expertise is embedded in the Belgian energy landscape.
All our photovoltaic panels are made in Belgium. Moreover, they are certified according to the strictest standards of quality and sustainability.
With our installations, you benefit from all the features of a charging station, optimized to maximize your electrical production.
Nous collaborons avec divers fabricants et partenaires pour vous fournir une solution sur mesure. Que vous ayez besoin d’intégrer une borne de recharge à une installation photovoltaïque existante, de gérer l’équilibrage des charges, ou de disposer de rapports détaillés et de solutions de paiement, nous avons la solution qu’il vous faut.
Dive into the heart of our Belga Solar factory and explore the excellence of our manufacturing facilities.
Your trust illuminates our path to a sustainable energy future. Discover below the partners and clients of Belga Solar who share our commitment to a greener tomorrow.